
According to a legend, the manifestation of the goddess is reported to the Daksha-Yajna incident when the ear of the Sati fell at this place and became a place of worship as a Pitha – Sthan. Presently in the form of a virgin the icon of this eternal goddess is consecrated at the top storey of the new building. Below that storey the goddess as Parvati, the daughter of Himalaya is enshrined as a divine consort of Lord Siva.

The temple complex has another three temples dedicated to Lord Raghunathji, Narsinghji and Patal Bhairva Ji (Lankra Veer) – the guardian deity.


भारत में जहां किसी दंपती के एक साथ मंदिर में जाकर पूजा करने जाने का बड़ा ही मंगलकारी माना जाता है वहीं शिमला के रामपुर नामक स्थान पर स्थित मां दुर्गा के मंदिर में पति और पत्नी के एक साथ पूजन या दुर्गा की प्रतिमा के दर्शन करने पर पूरी तरह से रोक है।

इसके बाद भी अगर कोई दंपती मंदिर में जाकर प्रतिमा के दर्शन करता है तो उसे इसकी सजा भुगतनी पड़ती है। यह मंदिर श्राई कोटि माता के नाम से पूरे हिमाचल में प्रसिद्ध है। इस मंदिर में दंपती जाते तो हैं पर एक बार में एक ही दर्शन करता है। यहां पहुंचने वाले दंपती में अलग-अलग समय में प्रतिमा के दर्शन करते हैं।

इस कारण से है ये परंपरा

यहां जो जनश्रुति कही जाती है उसके अनुसार भगवान शिव ने अपने दोनों पुत्रों गणेश और कार्तिकेय को ब्रह्मांड का चक्कर लगाने कहा था। कार्तिकेय तो अपने वाहन पर बैठकर भ्रमण पर चले गए किन्तु गणेणजी ने माता-पिता के चक्कर लगा कर ही यह कह दिया था कि माता-पिता के चरणों मैं ही ब्रह्मांड है। इसके बाद कार्तिकेयजी ब्रह्मांड का चक्कर लगाकर आए तब तक गणेश जी का विवाह हो चूका था। इसके बाद वह गुस्सा हो गए और उन्होंने कभी विवाह न करने का संकल्प लिया। श्राईकोटी में दरवाजे पर आज भी गणेश जी सपत्नीक स्थापित हैं। कार्तिकेयजी के विवाह न करने के प्रण से माता पार्वती बहुत रुष्ट हुई थी। उन्होंने कहा कि जो भी पति-पत्नी यहां उनके दर्शन करेंगे वह एक दूसरे से अलग हो जाएंगे। इस कारण आज भी यहां पति-पत्नी एक साथ पूजा नहीं करते।

The temple is about 1200 years old. Dedicated to Vishnu, the presiding deity of the temple is Narsimha, the half-man, half-lion and fourth incarnation of Vishnu. Like Badrinath, he is also sitting in the sukhasana. The characteristic feature of the deity is that its left wrist is very thin and is getting thinner by the day. At the beginning of every winter, the deity from the Badrinath temple is brought in a procession and kept in this temple for 6 months.This is an ancient temple of Lord Vishnu in Narsingh Avtar and main temple of Joshimath. It has idol of Lord Narsingh, which is considered established by Shankaracharya. As per local belief, the right hand of this idol has become as thin as hair. On the day when it will break, the mountains Jay-Vijay (which are situated on a way to Badrinath) shall join and become one and Lord Badrinath of Badrinath temple will disappear from present temple and re-appear as black stone (Shaligram) at new place called Bhavishya Badri, which is situated at a distance of 10 km from Joshimath. When Badrinath temple remain closed during winter every year, one idol of Lord Badri is brought to Narsinh temple and worshiped for six months
Rampur Bushahr is the last capital of the Bushahr or Bashahr dynasty that ruled Shimla & Kinnaur regions for a long time. If you go by legends, they trace their ancestry to Pradyumna – the Son of Lord Krishna. You do see a lot of Vishnu temples in the Bushahr region. So the belief may have some basis. However, in the recorded history Bushahr dynasty ruled from Kamru fort near Sangla. Then moved to Sarahan and finally about 100 years back to Rampur on the banks of Sutlej river. My journey would be taking me back in time as I moved from Rampur to Sarahan and then Kamru. But first, let me introduce you to Rampur and its Padam Palace.
Kamru Fort is one of the oldest Fort in Himachal. It is located in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh. Distance of 2-km from Sangla, lies this wonderful place, the tower-like fort of Kamru. The Sangla valley is a breathtaking beauty in itself, with a blaze of saffron trees and cold snowmelt. Here, the river Bapsa flows to meet the churning torrent of the Sutlej River at Karcham. An exotic Image of Lord Buddha on the Fort's Main Gate and an Image of Kamkhya Devi are the unique features of this fort. The image of Kamkhya Devi, supposed to have been brought from Assam, is installed on the third floor. There is also a 15th century shrine of Lord Badrinath, which hosts a light every three years. 
The Kamru fort is a quiet sentinel, located at a fearsome altitude of 2,600 m above the sea level. This place is at a distance of 57-km fom Kalpa and 229-km from Shimla, The capital of Himachal Pradesh. The nature shows off its existence and the splendor of this land. Along its sides rise snow clad mountains, thick forests of deodar trees, and lush green and richly fruited orchards. 
The fort seems like being placed over packing of dressed stone that acts like a pedestal for an exalted piece of art. The tower possesses an elegant wooden balcony.

Chandika Temple Kothi 

A handsome temple dedicated to goddess Chandika, more especially designated as Shuwang Chandika has spread the fame of village Kothi in greater part of the district.The local people hold the goddess in great reverence and consider her to be one of the most powerful goddess. For want of social contact by the local people with their more advanced and brahmin ridden brethren they have evolved their own peculiar procedure of ritual and worship to this presiding deity. There is an image of gold, seated in an ark. It is danced up and down by four persons at the time of worship. 
Her legend goes that she was the daughter of the demon devta Banaasur who presided over the Kinnaur. He had 18 sons and daughters. Chandika was the eldest among all. She presided over Sairag the heart of Kinnaur. But establishing her hold on the area was not so easy. The thakur of Chini ruled Sairag with a aid of a powerful demon. To defeat this enemy, Chandika took the aid of a cunning female relative called Byche. Byche duped the demon into placing his long hair between the grinding stones of a water mill. Then Chandika sprang on the helpless giant and severed his head with her sword. But a new head immediately replaced the old. Repeated swishes of her sword only brought forth more grinning faces. Frustrated and tiring, Chandika was soon in danger of drowning in the sea of blood created by her actions. Forsaking her pride, she appeared to her brothers for assistance. Chagaon Maheshwar responded and told her to kill the life sustaining beetle, hovering over the demon's head. Chandika maintains her chief abode at Kothi in the middle of Sairag





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